The belly bomb murderer

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Detective Lindsay Boxer is called to a crime scene on the Golden Gate Bridge. Two teenagers were killed in a car, apparently though a belly bomb. According to Claire, the forensic doctor, they ate something shortly before their death that reacted with the stomach acid and resulted in the explosion. The case is considered double homicide, but Lindsay has hardly any lead to solving the murder. Her only chance is to find out how the bombs had gotten into the teenagers hands, so together with her partner Conkling she investigates Chuck's Prime, the burger shop to which the victims apparently had been to before their deaths.
James Patterson is an amazing author and his new book "Unlucky 13" starts very promising. Not only does he write very authenticly, also we get an insight to the characters private live, making them more lively still. The way of murder is chosen very interestingly, making us want to go on reading immediately.